Visiting Singapore - networking & football

I’m in Singapore these days as we have a few days off in China, so I wanted to catch up with some network, arrange a few meetings and see matches here in Singapore. By the way a fantastic nice country and place to live!

Yesterday, I visited the Singapore FA and had a longer talk with their new Technical Director - Michel Sablon. If the name ring a bell - it’s the former Technical Director of the Belgium FA and basically the man behind the evolution of Belgium football which we see the result of these years with so many international top players. So a very interesting talk with Michel where we shared know-how and the fact of working and developing in a different culture.

Tonight it’s time for the Singapore FA Cup semifinal, where one of the teams, Home United, has the Danish player, Ken Ilso, who I worked with in Guangzhou R&F in China, so it will be good to see him in action again - he is doing well out here.

